From the 17th century through to the 19th, the Queen of Spa towns was very much the favoured resort for major personalities of the times. Madame de Sévigné wrote: "nobody has found themselves better in Vichy than me", when in 1676 and 1677, she took two cures in Vichy. Numerous were the aristocrats, politicians, artists who made their mark on the history of this town and participated actively in its renown : Napoléon III ; Gabrielle Chanel ; Émile Zola ; Edmond Rostand ; Sarah Bernhardt ; John Davison Rockfeller ;
Vincent of Indy ; The baroness of Rothschild ; Prince Rainier III of Monaco,... ti name a few. And today, just as many celebrities enjoy its numerous attractions, notably sports personalities who are particularly seduced by the sports facilities of Vichy.
The magnificent Art Deco architecture is a hall mark of Vichy so don't miss the fascinating guided tour offered by the Tourist Office which includes the Saint-Blaise-Notre-Dame-des-Malades, one of the first churches in reinforced concrete, built in 1925 and designed by Chanet and Liogier, today classified as an Historic Building. On top of the exterior cupola is a magnificent black Virgin, as protector of the town, and inside paintings, mosaics, iron work and stain glass windows are equally beautiful. Also designed by Chanet and Liogier is the Petit Casino, built in 1926, today serving as the Valéry-Larbaud Cultural Centre, also a classified Historic Monument, in which one can admire the staircase adorned with stain glass by the master glass-blower Francis Chigot. During your visit you will be introduced to some of the finest historic buildings in Vichy: the Balmoral, the Plaza, the Amirauté, the Célestins College, a former hotel and majestic building in the shape of a ship’s hull as well as architecture from other eras which abound and merge prfectly with the Art Deco as you will discover.
Vichy radiates an aura of luxury with its 5star hotels, its bourgeois villas, casino, Parc des Sources and of course its famous thermal spa establishment.
An integral part of Vichy life, the Thermes de Vichy, embraces its heritage while incorporating technological and scientific progress. Since 1853, the Compagnie de Vichy has managed the thermal resort and promoted the tourist and cultural aspects of the town by sponsoring numerous infrastructures such as the opera house, parks and golf course. From the 1880s, hydrotherapeutic techniques evolved and enhanced the thermal industry. Aided by the medical society of Vichy, various apparatus dedicated to “taking the waters”. Were developped. In 1896, the famous “Original”Four-handed Vichy Shower was invented, which gave birth to the Compagnie de Vichy.
Since those days, the combined benefits of hydro-therapeutic treatments, nutrition and sport, have placed Vichy at the fore in Thermal Spas. Hotels and Guesthouses
From the avant garde to the historic there is a wide choice of superb hotels and guesthouses which I will be featuring in due course. Many of these hotels have offer special accomodation and treatment packages. If interested to know more or would like help with sourcing a suitable booking, please mail me and I will be happy to assist. |